30 Paintings in 30 Days begins again!
“Little Lady Cardinal” I’m taking part in the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge again this year. Thank goodness they allow you to paint...

Show Time!
"Biding His Time" Acrylic & Pastel 11x14" 2018 1st Place Mixed Media - NAAA It's that time of year! Shows, exhibits and workshops, Oh my!...

Summer is in full swing
I hope everyone is enjoying this summer weather and managing to stay cool when it has been above 90 degrees! I'm more of an autumn gal...

Out and about in October
"Jelly Jive" 16" x 20" Acrylic on Canvas unframed Click to view on website Here's a taste of what I've been working on lately. I went for...

Showtime in September
"Tiny Dragonfly" 4" x 4" Acrylic on Canvas (Available) September is back to school month for my kids, and back to shows, creating art and...

Summer Shenanigans!
"Killers" 14"x 18" Acrylic on Canvas Ok, not really. No shenanigans have been happening here, just a lot of chauffeuring children and...

No space for artwork? Think again!
"Goofball" 9" x 12"mixed media on Canson paper I've had many people admire a piece of art and then proceed to tell me that they have no...

The Final 7 - Thank goodness!
Well, I'm really struggling to come with 7 more things about me that matter...I can't really think of much. So instead of dragging this...

7 More things about the artist
First some exciting news. I've opened an account on Image Kind and now you can order prints of some of my work if the price of a...

I'm feeling very self-centered (7 more things about the artist)
Yup...this is definitely not in my comfort zone. I like to hide in the shadows, I'm a wall flower, I don't want to be noticed. So no...