No space for artwork? Think again!
"Goofball" 9" x 12"mixed media on Canson paper I've had many people admire a piece of art and then proceed to tell me that they have no...

I'm feeling very self-centered (7 more things about the artist)
Yup...this is definitely not in my comfort zone. I like to hide in the shadows, I'm a wall flower, I don't want to be noticed. So no...

Family, Religion, Artist (duh), Humor, Sweet Tooth, and True Crime...
THIS IS ME... DAY 1 - I am a happily married, almost 40 year old mother of two girls. I have lived in New England my entire life. I love...

30 Paintings challenge is DONE!
Phew! This is the first time I've done the challenge that I've actually made 30 paintings. For me the trick was to paint smaller and plan...

Starting out the New Year with a blog!
Okay, I'm a little late to say this is a New Year's resolution. Better late than never though right? I'm going to start this blog in an...