Blog Slacking!
Yup, I've done it again. It's been WAY too long since I've posted a blog. Kids are out of school, the weather is nice and sitting in front of a computer to write a post just hasn't been appealing to me.

I feel like this iguana, basking in the sun and loving life.
(He is a mixed media piece on paper)
I happen to be at my Mother-in-law's house this weekend and couldn't sleep well so I got up early and thought I'd write a quick post on my smartphone.
The Keene Art Walk was great fun. I enjoyed meeting new people and some fellow artists. Painting on the sidewalk in the rain one day and in the hot sun the following week was a first for me and a great learning experience.

My view from Willow Tree Boutique where my display was set up and the lovely rain clouds encroaching on me as I worked with pastels on the iguana piece.

The view from the street of the display.

A work in progress on the second Saturday of the Art Walk.

The finished piece titled "Google Bunny", named in honor of the little wild rabbit that lives down the road. My husband has never seen the bunny in person so he thinks the photos I've taken are just google search screenshots!

"Google Bunny"
Canvas8" x 10" Acrylic on Canvas
A photo sharing site I am a member of hosts monthly challenges. The theme this month was Inside/Outside. This was what popped into my head when I heard the theme. What do you think?
Too dark or creepy? Cool? Too simple?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

That's all for now. Everyone is awake now and I should probably go socialize.
I'm hoping for a slow, easy and creative week starting Monday. Have a wonderful summer! 😀