Out and about in October

"Jelly Jive" 16" x 20" Acrylic on Canvas unframed
Here's a taste of what I've been working on lately. I went for an ultramarine background and then had a lot of fun with metallic paints, molding paste and clear tar gel for some details in this piece. Jellyfish are such bizarre and fascinating creatures. Did you know that they don't have bones, heads, hearts or brains? They don't swim! They are at the mercy of the ocean currents as they float along. A group of jellies are called a swarm or a smack! Most have a life span of a few hours to a few months. One species however, can perform it's life cycle in reverse, going from an adult (which is called a "medusa", how awesome is that!?) back to a baby (called a polyp). So they could potentially be immortal! Jellyfish also happen to be a favorite snack of sea turtles, and I adore sea turtles!
Let's do all we can to keep our oceans clean for all the animals that dwell within them.
This past weekend I had such a great time at the Walpole Fall Arts Festival that was put on my the Saxtons River Art Guild. What a wonderful group of artisans! I enjoyed getting to know my fellow vendors/artists and also met a lot of great collectors and a few of my favorites pieces went to new homes. I truly hope everyone is enjoying their new art.

Here is a view of the back of the town hall building. We are the first table on the left and the surrounding open space. The "Devine Swine" portrait in front was one of the paintings that found a home.

Here I am with one of my helpers for the day. My youngest daughter (shown here) helps keep track of sales, keeps up with the filling and refilling of the note card display and beautifully packages the paintings for each collector. My older daughter is the muscle and helps me carry in, set up, tear down and carry out the entire display and artwork. It's a lot of work but I am so thankful for their help, hard work, company and for being great daughters in general.

"Into the Light" 8" x 10" Mixed Media on Paper

I do have a couple more slots available for commissions, send me an email if you are interested in having one for yourself or to give as a gift for the holidays. I will not be accepting them after December 1st!
Upcoming Events!
I will be at Trinity Christian School in Keene, NH for their annual Arts & Crafts Fundraiser on Saturday, November 4th from 10:00am - 4:00pm. Please stop over and say "Hello!"I will have original artworks, note cards and a few prints of select pieces available.
December: I'll be taking a break from events for the winter. I will resume in the Spring. Until then please remember that I have a rotating display of work up at Walpole Interiors and if I have artwork going up locally I will let you know and also you can follow me on my facebook page to see more frequent updates.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this blog and I hope you have a beautiful and blessed remainder of October.
Until next time,